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  • Narrative re-framing

  • Correct cognitive behavioral patterns

  • Motivational Interviewing

  • Co-occurring disorder support

  • Individual, group and family counseling


One-on-one counseling is often a great place to begin the process.  Addiction can be a scary place, and even scarier to talk about.  It is essential to build trust through honest conversation.  The origins of addiction are varied and specific to each individual.  Their "story" must be heard in order for therapeutic progress to take place.  Once a "safe" environment is established, a solution-based approach is taken that requires action and full participation.


This includes significant others and loved ones.  The impact of alcoholic/addictive behavior on others is tremendous.  It reaches far beyond the sometimes physical and financial damage associated with substance abuse.  It is the seemingly soul breaking pain one is exposed to, due to the emotional and spiritual bankruptcy of the addict.  Believe it or not, there is hope.  Recovery is available to you, and it is not contingent upon anyone else' s decisions or actions.  These sessions typically start without the designated addict present, but may later include them.


Group is an incredibly powerful vehicle of change when working with substance abuse.  It absolutely allows one to learn from the experiences of others, and creates a sense of meaning to their own struggles.  It provides an arena where one can begin to look at self through the eyes of others without the fog of mood altering substances.  It is a time of testing what sober social interactions feel like again.  Obviously this service is only offered when the numbers are adequate to substantiate a productive group experience.


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